The real Tantra is the undressing of all false-identities. The dropping away of clothing – conditioning is the shirt, memory the pants, space-time the panties; all must go – all must be dropped to meet in the nakedness of the Divine-Self. Out of that undressing of all false identities, the ultimate Tantra takes place effortless and spontaneously of Itself. Then all Existence-Awareness-Being is Tantric-Samadhi. You are the Beloved Itself in Love as All That Truly Is.
~Jordan Flesher~
The Muse says…..
Deconstructing the ego is easier to talk about than do.
Develop a practice of Naked-ness and attack it with abandon.
What are you “covering up” physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually?
Drop it or transform it!
Be in Love with All That Truly Is